Monday, June 9

First Day Jitters

Welcome to The Frosting on the Cake. Being, as it is, my very first day blogging, I'm a little nervous. Bear with me...

I woke up this morning, thinking about the vast amount of attention that cupcakes have received in the last several years. And why not? They're fabulous and portable and have become tiny canvases upon which to present endless combinations of flavor, color, and texture.

(Be sure to check out my links section for just a few of my favorite cupcake sites)

In any case, having only recently finished the first year of my graduate education, I assure you, I have made my fair share of cupcakes. In addition to (or most usually, instead of) working on reading assignments, research, and writing, I have found a remarkably great deal of time to devote to baking. This has included not only cupcakes, but other cakes, cookies, and pastries as well.

Though I don't currently have much procrastinating to do (being, as it is, the quarter break), I still spend an inordinate amount of time looking for new recipes, looking at pictures of glorious sweets, and looking forward to the next dessert to try. In the process, I tend to get waylaid by all the other interesting things the internet has to show me. Thus, while this blog may be the Frosting on the Cake, I have a feeling it'll be a reflection of all the other directions my mind wanders too.

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