1. I went gluten-free, but not without several missteps and false starts. I'm still struggling, but I feel so much better when I stick to my guns on that one.
2. I finished grad school. After a seemingly endless process, I completed everything that makes me a bona fide master.
3. I moved to California. Actually, it's only been 2 weeks since I landed. It's terrifying and exciting and the focus of my next few posts, I'm sure...
4. Millions of other tiny and huge things that I couldn't possibly enumerate here.
It's been a really tumultuous year, but really wonderful at the same time. I feel like I have actually learned a lot of valuable lessons and met some amazing people. Though some may curse it, I say hooray for 2009!!!
Unfortunately, though I have what must be a million pictures on Facebook over the past year, my camera broke tragically somewhere between Ohio and California and I'm relying exclusively upon my iPhone for my photographic needs. This usually doesn't work well, as flash and zoom features are nonexistent. I suppose you can only ask for so much. In any case, I'll try to make up for custom visual shortcomings by including links and as many pictures as I can muster...